I love older stuff, I’m drawn to it. Partially because it would just have been made better back then. I also have this idea that not only is it like an older piece of clothing, it means something with a little bit of personal connection to it.
As much as I enjoy buying vintage, I also found great enjoyment in digging through my dad’s wardrobe for vintage clothing. The idea of vintage clothing probably means a little bit more to me because my grandfather on my dad's side passed before I was born.
My grandfather on my mom's had Parkinson's, so by the time I could really talk to him and stuff, it was advanced enough that I couldn't really make out a lot of what he was saying, and passed when I was in the fifth grade. So based on that, I never really had any clothing passed down from grandparents.
As I learned more about clothing and menswear tailoring stuff, I think I was a little bit disappointed or maybe a little sad that I never had any of those sorts of heirlooms that it felt like everyone could say that they had. So even though my dad didn't really wear those items all that much, it meant a lot more than I had some items from my family that I could claim as my own.